Bachelor Of Engineering (2024-25 Admissions)
Prof. Shahid Anjum: 08104363070
Bachelor Of Engineering Courses

60 Seats

Admission Procedure in Bachelor Of Engineering
1. Registration on CET cell website.
2. Filling of option form for CAP round I
3. If a seat is allotted then visit the college and confirm the admission by paying the full fees.
4. If the seat of choice is not allotted then fill the option form for CAP round II
5. Step 3 or Step 4 for CAP round III
Scholarships & Waivers
Minority scholarship scheme for professional education
Rajashri Chaatrapati Shahu Maharaj Shikshan Shulka Shishyavrutti Yojana
Government of India post-matric scholarship
Post-matric tuition fee and examination fee
Post-matric scholarship scheme Government of India
List of documents required for Bachelor Of Engineering
Eligibility for Bachelor Of Engineering
Eligibility Criteria for admission to First Year Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.) Eligibility Criteria for Maharashtra State Candidature Candidates & All India Candidature Candidates, Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir and Union Territory of Ladakh Migrant Candidature Candidates.
(i) The Candidate should be an Indian National;
(ii) Passed HSC or its equivalent examination with Physics and Mathematics as compulsory subjects along with one of the Chemistry or Biotechnology or Biology or Technical Vocational subject or Computer Science or Information Technology or Informatics Practices or Agriculture or Engineering Graphics or Business Studies and obtained atleast 45 % marks (at least 40 % marks, in case of Backward Class categories, Economically Weaker Section and Persons with Disability category candidates belonging to Maharashtra State), in the above subjects taken together;
The Candidate should have appeared in all the subjects in CET and should obtain non zero score in CET conducted by the Competent Authority or should obtain non zero positive score in JEE (Main).
(ii) Passed Diploma in Engineering and Technology and obtained at least 45 % marks (at least 40 % marks, in case of Backward Class categories, Economically Weaker Section and Persons with Disability category candidates belonging to Maharashtra State);
Eligibility Criteria for admission to Direct Second Year Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.) Eligibility Criteria for Maharashtra State Candidature Candidates & Allindia Candidature
(i) The Candidate should be an Indian National;
(ii) Passed minimum three years or two years (Lateral Entry) Diploma Course in Engineering and Technology with at least 45% marks (40% marks in case of Candidates of Backward Class categories, Economically Weaker Section and Persons with Disability category belonging to Maharashtra State) in any branch of Engineering and Technology from an All India Council for Technical Education or Central or State Government approved Institution or its equivalent;
(ii) Passed B.Sc. Degree from a University Grants Commission (UGC) or Association of Indian Universities recognized University with at least 45% marks (40% in case of candidates of Backward Class categories, Economically Weaker Section and Persons with Disability category belonging to Maharashtra State) and passed HSC or its equivalent examination with Mathematics asa subject;
(ii) Passed D.Voc. Stream in the same or allied sector (refer Schedule Il);
(iii) Any other criterion declared from time to time by the appropriate authority as defined under the Act.
Eligibility Criteria for admission to Master of Engineering (M.E.) Eligibility Criteria for Maharashtra State Candidature Candidates & All India Candidature
(i) The Candidate should be an Indian National;
(ii) Passed Bachelor Degree in the relevant field of Engineering and Technology or Pharmacy from All India Council for Technical Education or Central or State Government approved institutions or equivalent, with at least 50% marks (at least 45% marks in case of candidates of Backward Class categories, Economically Weaker Section and Persons with Disability category belonging to Maharashtra State);
(iii) Passed Bachelor Degree in the relevant course of Engineering and Technology or Pharmacy as specified in the eligibility criteria for admission to a Post Graduate Degree course of the concerned University for which admission is being sought;
(iv) Obtained Qualified score in Graduates Aptitude Test in Engineering(GATE) conducted by the Indian Institute of Technology and valid for the current academicyear;
(iv) Obtained non-Qualified marks in Graduates Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) conducted by the Indian Institute of Technology for the current academic year;
OR (iv) Obtained Qualified score in Graduates Pharmacy Aptitude Test(GPAT) conducted by National Testing Agency and valid for the currentacademicyear; OR (iv) Obtained non-Qualified marks in Graduates Pharmacy Aptitude Test(GPAT) conducted by National Testing Agency for the current academicyear;
(iv) For sponsored candidates, minimum of two years of full time work experience in a registered firm/company/ industry/ educational and/ or research institute/ any Government Department or Government Autonomous Organization in the relevant field in which admission is being sought;
(v) GATE or GPAT Qualified Candidates shall have preference over the not qualified Candidates.
Eligibility Criteria for admission to B.Sc-Information Technology
Passed H.S.C with Mathematics & Statistics as one of the subject with 45% marks (at least 40% marks for reserved category) in aggregate.