Innovative teaching pedagogies like active learning, blended learning along with use of technology is need of hour to develop 21st Century skills such as problem solving approach, critical thinking, self learning and collaboration among the students. The use of technology in teaching and learning will help teachers to reach out to more number of students in limited time where students can manage their own learning from anywhere and anytime.
Improved practical approach towards implementation of innovative teaching pedagogues pd technologies in regular teaching practice.
Directors, Principals, Deans, HODS & Faculty members.

Dr. Basavaraj Katageri
Keynote Address-1: 10:30 am to 11: 30 am Teaching Learning Post COVID-19 Principal, KLESCET, Belgaum

By: Dr. Sudhakar Umale
Session-1: 10:00 am to 11: 30 am Role of Teacher in Research & Innovation Head Mech.Dept, SPCE, Mumbai

By: Dr. Sadiq Sait
Session-1: 10:00 am to 11: 30 am Developing Own MooCs Founder & CEO, uLektz Learn. Sol. Put. Ltd

By: Dr. Arshad Salema
Keynote Address-2: 11:30 am to 1: 00 pm Tools & Techniques for Active Learning Senior Lecturer, Monash University, Malaysia

By: Dr.Srinivasa K G
Session-2: 11:30 am to 1: 00 pm Practical Approaches of Blended Learning Professor, NITTTR, Chandigarh

Dr.Sunil Kute,
Keynote Address: 2:00 to 3:30 pm Technology Enabled T & L Dean, Academics KK Wagh Inst. of Engg.