About CiTeL
The Centre for Innovative Teaching and Exuberant Learning (CiTeL) is established with the vision to implement innovative teaching pedagogies, tools and techniques in teaching and learning. Following are the objectives of this centre:
1. Provide training to the faculty members on innovative teaching pedagogies and technological platforms through conducting hands-on workshops, webinars, faculty development programmes (FDP), short term training programmes (STTP) and conferences.
2. Encourage share and learn culture at campus by providing the platform of train-the-trainer series.
3. Create a self-paced e-learning repository for students.
4. Provide E-learning content creation facility for teaching fraternity.
Advisory Committee

Dr. Ramjan Khatik
Director, AIKTC New Panvel

Dr. Rajendra Magar
Dean, AIKTC-SoE New Panvel

Dr. Shariq Syed
Dean, AIKTC-SoP, New Panvel

Prof. Raj Mhatre
Dean, AIKTC- SoA, New Panvel

Dr. Farooq Shaikh
Associate Professor, Monash University, Malaysia
CiTeL Task Force

Dr. Abusufyan Shaikh
Controller, CiTeL

Dr. Rohan Dasgupta
Joint Controller, CiTeL

Asst Prof. Reshma Y
Coordinator, SoP

Asst Prof. Sarah G
Coordinator, SoA

Ms. Shaheen A
Coordinator, Library

Asst Prof. Nusrat J
Coordinator, CO

Asst Prof. Amruta K
Coordinator, ME

Prof. D. Senthil Kumar
Coordinator, ECS

Asst Prof. Sameer S
Coordinator, EE

Dr. Varsha Pawar
Coordinator, FE