VISION: To be the most sought after Technical Campus that others would wish to emulate.  MISSION: Creating Exuberant Engineering Professionals.


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Article Database

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Institutional Repository

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Knowledge Resources & Relay Centre (KRRC), one of the best Central Library infrastructure facilities of AIKTC, is located on campus and spans an area of 7,000 square metres.

The pleasant environment, a well-furnished reading area, and the library collection, make the central Library at AIKTC an attraction among the students. The library is well-stocked with the latest collection of books, journals, and other resources to deliver on the needs of the entire AIKTC community.  KOHA – the Integrated Library Management System with detailed bibliographic indexing, serial control, alert service, article abstracts of subscribed journals, bar-coded checkin and checkout etc.., – is a key feature of the library.  Students can not only search for books through the WebOPAC but can also use it for services such as books renewal, and reservations. They can also create a virtual shelf for their convenience, rating the books, sharing the book review apart from suggesting book purchases for the library.   

The library had developed the Intellectual Repository of AIKTC in the name of “IR@AIKTC” using DSpace — an Open-Source Software. The purpose of the IR@AIKTC is to capture, collect, organize, preserve and disseminate the intellectual output of AIKTC, locally and globally.  The AIKTC-IR is Repository Indexed by Google Scholar and Registered in Directory of Open Access Repositories (OpenDOAR), Registry of Open Access Repository (ROAR), Registry of Open Access Repository Mandates And Policies (ROARMAP) and Duraspace (Dspace User Registry) to enhance the visibility.

The KRRC Library staff works to create a love of reading in users while encouraging lifelong learning.  Exploration of many genres, reading, creative and research activities are all part of the library’s programmes.

The Campus aims at developing students into a complete Human Resource, that needs the highest expectations of the industry and the society at large. It also develops their capabilities to face the challenges of ever changing technical and technological world.

The students, research scholars, staff and faculty members of the AIKTC can avail the KRRC facilities.
Students & Research Scholars: First step is to approach the KRRC along with FOUR stamp size color Photos and Fee Receipt after obtaining their Roll No.
Faculty & Staff: First step is to register with the KRRC as a member by filling the membership form available at the help desk (along with a passport size photograph).

It is an online catalog of KRRC holdings (Books, e-Books, Journals, Magazines and other resources). Users not only can search their resources through OPAC but also renew books, reserve books, create virtual shelves for their readings and suggest book purchases for the KRRC. The OPAC is accessible both on-campus and off-campus.

Access Web OPAC

Digital Institutional Repository@AIKTC (IR@AIKTC)
Digital Institutional Repository (IR@AIKTC), accessible on the Internet since 2014 , is another service provided by the KRRC, using Open Source Software – DSpace, developed by MIT and HP Labs.
IR maintains intellectual assets (Journal articles (preprints/postprints), Working Papers, Conference papers, Book chapters, Reports, Theses and Dissertations, and other scholarly publications) of the AIKTC.
It enables the AIKTC community to deposit (self archive) their publications using a web interface, and preserves and organizes these publications for easy retrieval.

Visit Digital Institutional Repository

Almost all of the Library databases, e-journals, e-books, and other electronic information resources may be seamlessly accessed from any computer on the campus network. Whereas KRRC also provides Remote Access facility (Off Campus Access) to current students and faculty. User agrees to the following conditions to use this service:
Service is only for AIKTC-KRRC authorized users.
Do not share your login credentials with anyone else as the usage of the remote access facility is monitored.
Users will use the resources for academic purposes only. 

Remote Access Link

AIKTC Library uses the most effective and most trusted plagiarism prevention tool i.e “DrillBit”. DrillBit is an internet based anti-plagiarism detection software. All the Project Reports/ Black Book/ Theses/ Dissertations/ Publications and student assignments are subjected to plagairism check, as per the decision of Schools/Departments of AIKTC.

Check Plagiarism

An unique initiative of KRRC to make millions of Open Educational Resources available to users on their fingertips for their ACADEMIC and RESEARCH Excellence.

Know More

Borrowing Facility

The students, research scholars, staff and faculty members of the AIKTC can avail the KRRC facilities.
Students & Research Scholars: First step is to approach the KRRC along with FOUR stamp size color Photos and Fee Receipt after obtaining their Roll No.
Faculty & Staff: First step is to register with the KRRC as a member by filling the membership form available at the help desk (along with a passport size photograph).

Web Opac

It is an online catalog of KRRC holdings (Books, e-Books, Journals, Magazines and other resources). Users not only can search their resources through OPAC but also renew books, reserve books, create virtual shelves for their readings and suggest book purchases for the KRRC. The OPAC is accessible both on-campus and off-campus.

Digital Institutional Repository@AIKTC (IR@AIKTC)

Digital Institutional Repository@AIKTC (IR@AIKTC)
Digital Institutional Repository (IR@AIKTC), accessible on the Internet since 2014 , is another service provided by the KRRC, using Open Source Software – DSpace, developed by MIT and HP Labs.
IR maintains intellectual assets (Journal articles (preprints/postprints), Working Papers, Conference papers, Book chapters, Reports, Theses and Dissertations, and other scholarly publications) of the AIKTC.
It enables the AIKTC community to deposit (self archive) their publications using a web interface, and preserves and organizes these publications for easy retrieval.

Remote Access

Almost all of the Library databases, e-journals, e-books, and other electronic information resources may be seamlessly accessed from any computer on the campus network. Whereas KRRC also provides Remote Access facility (Off Campus Access) to current students and faculty. User agrees to the following conditions to use this service:
Service is only for AIKTC-KRRC authorized users.
Do not share your login credentials with anyone else as the usage of the remote access facility is monitored.
Users will use the resources for academic purposes only.

Plagiarism Service

AIKTC Library uses the most effective and most trusted plagiarism prevention tool i.e “TURNITIN”. Turnitin is an internet based anti-plagiarism detection software. All the Project Reports/ Black Book/ Theses/ Dissertations/ Publications and student assignments are subjected to plagairism check, as per the decision of Schools/Departments of AIKTC.

Open Educational Resources (OERs)

An unique initiative of KRRC to make millions of Open Educational Resources available to users on their fingertips for their ACADEMIC and RESEARCH Excellence.

Admission Enquiry 2025-26
Popup Lead Generation Form 2025 - 2026