Placement Policy
For the purpose of Training and Placement, I hereby undertake to comply with the following terms and conditions
It is stated that such students who have scored less than 80% marks in the test conducted by T&P Cell and those who were absent for the said test, the Aptitude and soft skills training arranged by the T&P Cell is compulsory for such students. If they don’t attend and complete the training, they will not be eligible for the ensuing Placement Season. Further they will not be getting any
Placement drive calls from the T&P Cell
➢ After your selection in a company through placement drive, you will not be allowed to attend or appear for another placement drive. But if a company offers a salary.which is approximately 30% more than what you have got as a payment in your previous attempt, then you will be allowed to have one more go, (One and only one) at the placement drive and in such a case you will get a call from T&P Cell.
➢ If you are absent for a scheduled placement Drive, and then you will be barred from appearing in placement drives to be conducted. And in regard to this, no explanation or excuse may be reciprocated unless and until you inform the TPO beforehand concerning your absence.
➢ You are hereby instructed to provide correct and true data to T&P Cell for placement drive. Strict disciplinary action will be taken against those students who provide wrong and false data.
➢ It is stated that the T&P Ce:1 will organize various Seminars/Workshops (technical and Career oriented) and the concerned staff will maintain the record of the activity conducted and the same is submitted to T&P Cell.
➢ You are advised to follow rules and regulations laid down by the T&P Cell and also provide your support placement drives as it is in your (students) own interest.
Process of Registration for Students
➢ The process of registration starts from second semester of pre final year up to second week of July every Year.
➢ The placement facility is available to all passed pre final year students if registered with T&P Cell for placements. Any Student not registered is not eligible for Placement opportunities.
➢ Students, who do not want to participate in the Placement process, are required to submit a form declaring their intention of non-participation in the Placement process
Accepting an Offer
➢ The company shall provide selection list and/or offer letters to the T&P Cell and not directly to the students.
➢ When the Cell receives an offer letter from a company for a student, it shall communicate the same to her/him.
➢ A time period will be declared within which the students have to inform the Cell regarding his/her decision on the offer. If he/she fails to do so, it shall be assumed that the offer has been rejected by him/her.
➢ Proper due-diligence should be done before formally accepting a job offer. Declining an offer, after formal acceptance, is violation of code-of-conduct & will be dealt accordingly.
➢ A student who has accepted an offer is expected to join on the given joining date.
Student Code of Conduct
➢ It mandatory for all students appearing for any process of campus drive to come in formals.
➢ Students must keep their Identity Card with them at the time of Pre placement Talk (PPT) /Test/Group Discussion / Personal Interviews and produce the same when demanded by the visiting team or TPO staff.
➢ Students are also requested to forward contacts they have, if any, in different companies so that TPO may formally invite these companies for placements
➢ All post job-offer communication between student and Company should be channelized only through the placement cell.
➢ Direct communication with the company officials is Not Allowed.
➢ It is mandatory for students to register for the company to participate in the placement process of the company.
➢ Attendance in PPT is mandatory after registration, to be eligible for further placement process.
➢ Students proceeding after the PPT for the next step in the selection process of a Company cannot quit in between. If a student quits in between the process, then he/she will be debarred and will not be allowed to appear in any other future placement event. Student has a fair chance to inform their decision of not continuing for the placement process to T&P Cell.
➢ For the Pool campus drives in other college or if the company conducts any round outside the campus, the students who have registered / selected should compulsorily participate in the process. Students remaining absent in such cases will be debarred for any further placement opportunities.
➢ Any kind of misbehaviour / complaints reported by the company officials will be taken
seriously and if proven, the student will be debarred from future campus placements.
➢ If student is blacklisted then he/she can approach placement committee to make formal request for removal from blacklist. If the committee rejects his/her request then he can approach the director for the same. Decision of the director in the same matter will be final and binding. Once student is blacklisted, he/she is debarred from placement process.