The event started with the registration on the desk outside Auditorium where the alumni were given food coupons and gift coupons. The alumni then proceeded to the canteen to have lunch and informally meet and greet their peers and faculties. The formal event started in the auditorium at 2:30 PM. After a brief introduction by Dr. Rohan Dasgupta (Controller, Alumni Connect Centre) and recitation of the Holy Qur’an by Mr. Mohammed Ambar Qadri (General Secretary, Students’ Council), the welcome address was delivered by Dr. Rajendra Magar (Dean, School of Engineering and Technology). Then Dr. Ramjan Khatik (Director) delivered his speech which was followed by words of motivation by Mr. Burhan Harris (Hon. Exec. Chairman, BINM, Anjuman-I-Islam). Based on self-nomination and further scrutiny by each department, 4 alumni from each department were felicitated with “Star Alumni” trophies for the excellence they achieved in their corporate or entrepreneurial career and contribution to the alma mater. The formal event ended with selected alumni feedback on stage, vote of thanks by Dr. Dasgupta followed by the national anthem and department wise group photos. The alumni then proceeded to their respective departments where each department had some events lined up for them like cake cutting, interaction with current students etc. The event ended with the alumni giving their feedback online via QR code and collecting their gift bags containing a wall clock and calendar.