Topics from Experts
1. Power Quality Issues in Grid Connected Electric Vehicles
2. Typhoon HIL Technology
3. Introduction of Virtual HIL Device
4. Simulation of Electric Vehicle Performance Analysis using Signal Processing Components. (SCHEMATIC/SCADA)
5. Simulation of IM Motor Drive for Performance Analysis
6. Simulation/Imulation of BLDC Motor Drive for Performance Analysis.
7. Demonstration of PMSM Motor Drive for Performance Analysis
8. Demonstration of Electric Vehicle with fast charger ‘with detailed EV and Charger Power Electronics Model.
9. Demonstration of Battery Pack with given specification and constraints and BMS Model.
Professional Benefits of Program
1. This 5 days FDP will be useful for CAS (Career Advancement Scheme).
2.Itwill also increase the score for NBA Accreditation.
3. It will help|in enhancing the score for NAAC Accreditation.