Mr. Sanjay Patil, Inspector, RTO, Panvel and Mr. Pradip Nandkar, Asstt. Inspector, RTO Panvel were speakers for national Road safety awareness program arranged by NSS unit of SoET( SE-31), under guidance of Prof. Dhaval S Shah , Pogramme officer. Dr. Ramjan Khatik, Director of, AIKTC and Dr. Rajendra Magar, Dean, SoET were also present and guided students.
Mr. Patil explained importance of road safety through PPT and shared his experience, Expertise. The session was very informative and all the students enjoyed it. This session was arranged for all first year students of SoET, (under SSCS subject )and all NSS volunteers of SoET. Lastly Prof. Dhaval Shah expressed vote of thanks.