Last Date for Paper Submission
Conference Dates
Innovative teaching pedagogies like active learning, and problem and project-based learning along with the use of technology are need of the hour to develop 21st century skills such as problem-solving approach, critical thinking, creativity, and collaboration among the students. The use of technology in teaching and learning will help teachers to reach out to more students in a limited time where students can manage their learning from anywhere and anytime. The three days International Conference in “Innovative Teaching & Exuberant Learning (iCiTeL)” is organized with the broad objective to:
1. Improve practical approaches towards the implementation of innovative teaching pedagogies and technologies in regular teaching practices.
2. Explore innovations through the implementation of AI, Chat GPT, and other technological platforms in teaching and learning.
3. Provide a forum to share best practices, case studies, and implementation of various technological tools through oral presentation.
This conference consist of 6 expert sessions, one panel discussion and several oral presentations by the experts and teachers from different part of the globe. This will definitely bring together a diverse set of expertise in our teachers which ultimately a vision on the path forward.
Few selected papers will get an opportunity to be published in an UGC Carelist Journal.*
Abstracts of all papers will be published in the conference proceeding.
15000 INR
10000 INR
5000 INR
Invitation to submit an original research paper, research survey, case study or action plan on any of the below stated themes:
Artificial Intelligence in
Innovative Pedogogies
(ABL, PBL, Flipped, Blended
Learning etc.)
Innovative approaches for
slow learners.
Innovative Technological
Platforms in Education
Research Methodology, Publications and Ethics
Online Teaching and Students
health and well-being.
CO-PO-PSO mapping,
attainment & reforms
Any other creativities and
innovation in teaching &
Authors are provided with the opportunity to publish full papers in prestigious journals published by renowned publishers, ensuring a rigorous peer review process. We encourage authors to carefully review the scope of the journals and select the most appropriate one for their work.
President, Anjuman-I-Islam, Mumbai
Hon. General Secretary, Anjuman-I-Islam, Mumbai
Hon. Executive Chairman, Board in Navi Mumbai, A.I.
Head of Center for Education and Teaching Innovation, University of Westminster
Research Scientist, NOAA-Crest Institute, City University Of New York, USA
Course Director for Master of Applied Engineering, Monash University Malaysia
Head, Discipline of Pharmacy Charles Sturt University, Australia
Associate Professor, King Abdulaziz University, Department of Pharmacology.
Associate Professor, University of Nottingham Malaysia
Professor Department of Civil Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay
Principal, K. J. Somaiya Institute of Engineering and Information Technology, Sion, Mumbai
Dean (Academics) and Professor at K.K.Wagh Institute of Enginnering Education and Research,Nasik
Professor and Principal at DY Patil University
Principal and Professor, Dept of Pharmaceutics at SVKM's Dr. Bhanuben Nanavati College of Pharmacy
I/C Director, AIKTC New Panvel
I/C Dean, AIKTC-SoE New Panvel
I/C Dean, AIKTC-SoP, New Panvel
Dean, AIKTC- SoA, New Panvel
Last Date: 12th June 2023
Indian Authors & Participants: 799 INR
International Authors & Participants: 20 $