Keynote Speakers & Panelist
Day 1

Keynote address 1:
ChatGpt for Lesson
Dr. Jason M. Lodge
Associate Professor of
Educational Psychology
University of
Queensland, Australia

Keynote address 2:
Redefining role of
teachers to create
responsible learners
Dr. Aiedah Khalek
Senior Lecturer and
Convenor (General
Malaysia Immersion and
Pathways, Monash
University, Malaysia
Day 2

Keynote address 3:
Peer Assisted Study
Sessions to Enhance
Students Learning
Dr Narendra Pamidi
Senior Lecturer
Jeffrey Cheah School of
Medicine & Health
Sciences, Malaysia

Keynote address 4:
Unlocking the Power of
AI Tools: Practical
Examples and
Recommendations for
Academic Research
Dr. Md. Mizanur
Assistant Professor,
BRAC Business School,
BRAC University,
Day 3

Hands on Workshop on
Use of ChatGPT in
teaching and learning
Prof Geoff Currie
Professor in Nuclear
School of Dentistry and
Medical Sciences,
Charles Sturt University,
Wagga Wagga, Australia

Keynote address 5:
Strategies for
implementation of
Problem and Project
Based Learning
Dr. Preethi Baligar
Assistant Professor
KLE Technological
Hubli, India.

Panel Discussion:
Empowering Educators:
Navigating Pedagogical
Approaches and
Advancement in the
Digital Age
Dr. Farooq Shaikh
Head, Discipline of
Pharmacy Charles Sturt
University, Australia

Panel Discussion:
Empowering Educators:
Navigating Pedagogical
Approaches and
Advancement in the
Digital Age
Dr. Tahir Ansari
Associate Professor,
University of Nottingham,

Panel Discussion:
Empowering Educators:
Navigating Pedagogical
Approaches and
Advancement in the
Digital Age
Prof. Sunil Kute
Dean (Academics)
K.K.Wagh Institute of
Engg. Edu & Res.
Nasik, India