AIKTC Centres
- All Centres
- SOPs of Centres
- Alumni Connect Center (ACC)
- Students Mentoring and Counselling (SMC)
- Industry Institute Interaction (III)
- Centre for Innovative Teaching and Exuberant Learning (CiTeL)
- Council of Students Committee (COST)
- Emergency Support Team (EST)
- Women Development and Grievance Cell (WDGC)
- Centre for OBE Implementation and NBA accreditation
- Centre for IPR, R&D Projects, Publications & IRG (CIRDPI)
- IIRS-ISRO Nodal Centre (IINC)
- Centre for Value added course (CVAC)
- Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC)
- NPTEL Local Chapter
- Sports & Fitness Centre
- Centre for NSS and Extension Activities
- Centre For Media, Printing, Branding And Advertisement
- Centre for Sports
- Center for Human Resource Training and Development
Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)
Objectives and SOP of IQAC
- The IQAC of the College is constituted to achieve the following objectives:
- To develop and progress a heightened level of clarity and focus in institutional functioning towards creation, sustenance and enhancement of quality and facilitate internalization of the quality culture permeating every sphere of the Institution.
- To facilitate the integration of the various activities of the institution and institutionalize the best practices.
- To provide a sound basis for decision making imbibing all the dimensions of service quality to improve institutional functioning.
- To act as a change agent in the Institution.
- To coordinate and improve internal communication to facilitate greater policy implementation and quality assurance towards its stakeholders.
Designation | Name of Staff |
Controller / Jt. Controller/ Member Secretary | Dr. Rajendra Magar
Co-ordinator / Member
(SoET/SoP/SoA) | Prof. Dhaval Shah (CE) Prof. Shoukin Hawelikar (CE) Prof. Samreen Kazi (CO) Prof. Shraddha Sawant (EE) Prof. Zakir Ansari (ME) Prof. Saad Shaikh (ME) Prof. Rajee John (HAS) Prof. Jayashree Patil (SoP) Prof. Sandeep Prajapati (SoA) Prof. Amjad Khan (ECS) |
Activities of IQAC
Sr. Number | Start Date | End Date | Activity Name | Document Link |