It is our privilege to announce that four of our start-up won in MAHARASHTRA STUDENTS INNOVATION CHALANGE COMPETITION organised by Raigad district.the students will be felicitated by District collector (Raigad district) on occasion of Republic day with one lakh rupees seed funding to each group from Govt.of Maharashtra.
Total-9227 startup participated from all over Maharashtra.
Congratulations to winning groups, Faculty coordinator and Incubation head Prof.Abdul Majeed (SoET).
We would like to thank all our office bearers of Anjuman I Islam.Special thanks to Dr.Zahir I Kazi Sb.( President of Anjuman I Islam) for continuous support, guidance and motivation.
We would like to thanks our beloved Hon.Executive chairman,Mr.Burhan Harris for motivation ,boosting moral and continuous support.
Thanks to one and all for your direct and indirect support.