As a part of celebration of 150 years of Anjuman-I-Islam, Allana Institute of Management Studies in association with BSE (Bombay Stock Exchange) are jointly organizing an International Finance Conclave on “ROLE OF FINANCIAL MARKETS IN SUSTAINABLE GROWTH THROUGH ESG” scheduled on 9th November 2023 at BSE International Conventional Hall, BSE Ltd
Renowned companies from Finance industries i.e UTI Mutual Funds, TATA Mutual Funds, SBI Mutual Funds, NISM (SEBI), DCB Bank, The Institute of Cost Accountants of India and Union Bank of India have agreed to sponsor the event against some deliverables to be executed through advertising their brands by AIAIMS for the Conclave. As part of the deliverables, AIAIMS has committed to advertise the above companies on the websites as well the social media of the professional institutes under Anjuman-I-Islam and also Anjuman-I-Islam as parent organization.