PhD Pharmaceutical Sciences, M.Pharm
1.Sheikh, I. A., Charde, M. S., Kasture A. V., Estimation of Flupenthixol HCl in single dosage form by RP-HPLC method, International Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis, Vol. 1, (2), 2009, 11-19.
2.Sheikh, I. A., Charde, M. S., Kasture A. V., Estimation of melitracen HCl in single dosage form by RP-HPLC method, Journal of Pharmacy Research, Vol. 2, (11), 2009.
3.Sheikh, I. A., Charde, M. S., Kasture A. V., Development of Spectrophotometric method for simultaneous estimation of Flupenthixol HCl and Melitracen HCl in their combined dosage form, Asian Journal of Research in Chemistry, 2(4), 2009, 1-6.
4.Sheikh, I. A., Charde, M. S., Kasture A. V., Simultaneous estimation of Flupenthixol HCl and Melitracen HCl in combined dosage form by Absorption ratio method, Research Journal of Pharmaceutical Technology, Accepted and published in 2009.
5.Sheikh, I. A., Charde, M. S., Kasture A. V., estimation of Flupenthixol HCl and Melitracen HCl in combined dosage form by Verodt’s Method, International Journal of Chemical and Analytical Sciences, 2009.
6.I A Sheikh, M Charde, AV Kasture, Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology 3 (1), 127-132 Development of absorbance ratio method for simultaneous estimation of flupenthixol HCl and melitracen HCl in their Combined Dosage Form.
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7.Sheikh, I. A., Charde, M. S., Kasture A. V., Simultaneous Estimation of Benzhexol Hydrochloride and Haloperidol by Absorbance Correction Method, Journal of Pharmacy Research 2010.
8.Sheikh, I. A., Charde, M. S., Kasture A. V., RP-HPLC Method for Simultaneos Estimation of Benzhexol Hydrochloride and Trifluoperazine Hydrochloride in their combined Dosage Form , Journal of Pharmacy Research 2010.
9.Sheikh, I. A., Charde, M. S., Kasture A. V., Development of HPTLC method for Simultaneous Estimation of Benzhexol Hydrochlordie and Trifluperazine Hydrochloride in Pharmaceutical Preparation, Journal of Pharmacy Research 2010.
10.Sheikh, I. A., Charde, M. S., Kasture A. V., Simultaneous Estimation of Diacerein and Aceclofenac by Vierordt’s Method,Journal of Pharmacy Research 2010.
11.Sheikh, I. A., Charde, M. S., Kasture A. V., Simultaneous Estimation of Diacerein and Aceclofenac by Absorption Ratio Method,Journal of Pharmacy Research 2010.
12.Sheikh, I. A., Charde, M. S., Kasture A. V., Development of two wavelength method for simultaneous estimation of Benzhexol hcl and Trifluoperazine HCl in their combined dosage form ,Journal of pharmacy research 2010.’
13.Sheikh, I. A., Charde,Mittal Abhilasha,Validated High Performance Liquid Chromatography Method for Degradation Study of Ursodeoxycholic acid Silymarin.
14.Sheikh, I. A., Charde, Application of Validated HPLC method for Degradation Study of Sitagliptin and Metformin HCl
15.Sheikh, I. A., Charde, Application of Validated HPLC method for Degradation Study of Vildagliptin and Metformin HCl
16.Sheikh, I. A., Charde,Mittal Abhilasha,Validated High Performance Liquid Chromatography Method for Degradation Study of Saxagliptin and Metformin HCl
17.International Journal of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, 2017; 07 (08), 139- 143, Application of Validated HPLC Method for Degradation Study of Vildagliptin and Metformin HCl I A Sheikh,M S Charde
18.Degradation and Stability Indicating method for Estimation of some drugs Mittal Abhilasha, Sheikh Imran, Manoj Charde Journal- IJCRR Year of Publication-November 2021 Impact Factor (Cite Factor) (2020-21):
1.84 ISI Impact Factor (2020-21): 1.899 IC Value (2019): 90.81 SJIF (2020) = 7.893 IJCRR DOI Prefix (CrossRef): 10.31782/2231- 2196 Information Matrix for the Analysis of Journals (ICDS = 9.6)
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alata L and its Antibacterial activity Imran A Sheikh Lat. Am. J. Pharm. 42 (5): (2023) Latin American Journal of Pharmacy (formerly Acta Farmacéutica Bonaerense) ISSN 0326-2383 Scopus Indexed Journal.
Pancreatic Cells in Diabetes, Journal of Advanced Zoology,Imran A Sheikh(Corresponding Author), ISSN: 0253-7214,Volume 44 Issue I-3 Year 2023 Page 806:814. Web of Science and Scopus
ISSN: 0253-7214, Volume 44 Issue S-2 Year 2023 Page 4133:4145.Web of Science
Anjuman-I-Islam’s Kalsekar Technical Campus School of Pharmacy, New Panvel, 410206, Maharashtra, India, VOL 7 NO 1 (2024): INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCEMENT IN LIFE SCIENCESRESEARCH,DOI, (Scopus)
9 of 15Shobha1, Vidhya C. S.2 , Priya Srivastava3*, Kamlesh Kumar Ahirwar4 , Imran A. Sheikh , Rajni Kant Panik and Manish Raj Mishra, Biochem. Cell. Arch. Vol. 23, Suppl. 1, pp. 1571-1576, 2023 ISSN 0972-5075
(Web of Science)
30.Development and Application of a Novel Protocol for Predicting ProteinLigand Interactions: Comprehensive Docking Studies of Imidazole Derivatives as Anti-Bacterial Agents (Scopus Indexed and Corresponding Author) A. Lazha , Ketki Rani , Priya Yadav , Monika Ghosh, Anil Kumar , Gopi Reddy Alugubelli , Satyabrat Sarma , Sunil Kumar Pandey , Dr. Imran A Sheikh» doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.9.2024.5336-5349.
32.Resveratol Neuroprotective action against cognitive impairments induced by Lorazepam in male rats, Current Drug Safety, I.P-01, ISSN-2212-3911 (Online), ISSN-1574-8863 (Print) Bentham Sciences Scopus Indexed
10.Attended One day Seminar on NDDS at Oriental College of Pharmacy Navi Mumbai in February 2011.
11.Attended One Day Seminar on NDDS at Oriental College of Pharmacy, Navi Mumbai in March 2012.
12.Attended One day Seminar on Pharmacology at Oriental College of Pharmacy, Navi Mumbai on 25th August 2012.
13.Attended one Day Seminar on Instrumentation at SIES Nerul in December 2014.
14.Attended Two Day Pune University Spondered Seminar at D.Y.Patil College of Pharmacy,Pimpri Pune in March 2016.
15.Bagged First Prize in Poster Presentation ICMR Sponsered Conference in Medicinal Drug Chemistry at R C Patel College of Pharmacy, Shirpur on 7th and 8th July 2018.
16.Presented Poster in ICIPS-2018 ICMR Sponsered International Conference at Ibrahimpatnam Hyderabad on 03rd and 4th August 2018.
17.Attended three day Training Programme on Intellectual Property Rights organized by Government of India at NIIPM Seminary Hills, Nagpur. Annexure-III
18.Attended IPC 2008 held at Delhi.
19.QIP Programme held at NRI Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences Bhopal from 21st June-27th to June 2010.
20.QIP Programme attended at Manipal College of Pharmaceutical Sciences Manipal from 1st June-14th June 2011.
21.QIP Programme attended at Manipal College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Manipal from 05th March 2018-10th March 2018.
22.AICTE Sponsored FDP at SKBCOP Kamptee from 17th June 2019-29th June 2019.
23.Teachers and Ethics: Balance in Research, Teaching, Socio- professional Values and Attitude FDP is funded by Faculty Development Center (FDC) of UGC-Human Resource Development Center, SPPU, Pune and organized by Gokhale Education Society’s Sir Dr. M. S. Gosavi College of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Nashik Date-20.05.2020 to 25.05.2020
24.Five DAYS ONLINE e-FDP (FACULTY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM) scheduled from Monday, 01/06/2020 to Friday, 05/06/2020 on theme “COVID-19 Outbreak : Challenges and Opportunities in Higher Education” jointly organized by B. R. Nahata College of Pharmacy (BRNCOP) and MP Council of Science and Technology (MPCST), BHOPAL
25.BCOP International FDP on Innovations in Drug Delivery Systems 2020 organized by Bapatla College of Pharmacy, Bapatla Andhra Pradesh 31/05/20 to 05/05/20 (conducted in different time )
27.Emerging Trends in Pharmaceutical Sciences: Classroom to Online organized by School of Pharmacy, Sharda University 09/06/2020 to 13/06/2020
28.One Week International Virtual FDP on “Moodle Learning Management System” Organized by Don Bosco College Central Library and IQAC, Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh in association with Spoken Tutorial, IIT.
29.Bombay (An Initiative of National Mission on Education through ICT,MHRD, Govt. of India) from June 15-19, 2020.
30.FDP by AIKTC on Enterpreneurship, Innovation and IPR from 10/06/20 to 16/06/20
31.One Week Short Term Training Program on “Data Science & Learning Systems for Engineering Research & Design” One Week Short Term Training Program (STTP) on“Data Science & Learning Systems for Engineering Research & Design”,jointly Organized by National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra and Engineering College of Bikaner, Bikaner,from 24-30 June, 2020, under TEQIP-III: Mentoring/Twinning System.
32.June 24-30, 2020 Week International FDP on Post Pandemic Computational Sciences Challenges and Opportunities 22/06/20 to 28/06/20 by VIT Bhopal.
33.Managing Virtual Classrooms and Open Educational Resources 5 Days Faculty Development Program held from Centre for Academic Leadership and Education Management (CALEM),Panjab University, Chandigarh under the Aegis of PMMMNMTT, MHRD, Govt. of India in collaboration with SWAYAM Cell, Institute of Educational Technology and Vocational Education & University June 24-29, 2020.Business School, Panjab University, Chandigarh.
34.Organised by IQAC and Department of Financial Planning of Dr.M.G.R.Educational and Research Institute on NURTURING RESEARCH & INNOVATION IN HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS.
35.Faculty Development Programme on “ECO- ENVIRO-Sustainability” organized by RGPV, under TEQIP-III in association with Civil Engineering Department of IPS Academy, Institute of Engineering & Science, Indore from 29/07/2020 to 03/07/2020
36.Advances in Pharmaceutical Education Organized by University of Mumbai and Oriental College of Pharmacy,Navi Mumbai 6/07/20 to 11/07/20
37.AICTE Sponsored one week Short Term Training Programme (STTP) on “the topic entitled “Human Values, Ethics, Morals, Behavioural Sciences and Attitude” 20/07/20 to 25/07/2020 by Sagar Institute of Research & Technology- Pharmacy Bhopal.
38.Three day International STTP on Recent Trends in Pharmaceutical Industry organized by Bapatla College of Pharmacy ,Andhra Pradesh 13/06/20 to 15/06/20
39.“International STTP on Analytical Research Trends In Pharmaceutical Industry” from 26/06/2020 to 28/06/2020 by Dept of Pharmaceutical Analysis Bapatla College of Pharmacy Andhra Pradesh .International/National Conference (Webinar)
40.“OBE Implementation & Academic Automation to Achieve Excellence Leading to Accreditation Readiness through IonCUDOS” on 7/04/2020 Webinar on “eContent Development“ by AIKTC
41.How to Face Audit Effectively? Role of Regulatory Department in Pharmaceutical Industry” the Organizing Committee of Ramanbhai Patel College of Pharmacy Anand Gujrat
42.Teaching Practical with Virtual lab: Lt Platform by University of Mumbai and KMKCOP on 19/05/20
43.Understanding Practice School & its concept in UG Pharmacy Education Confirmation by JSS Academy of Higher Education & Research Ooty on 23/05/2020
44.Two Day of National Webinar on “GC-MS and AAS-From Basics to Applications.” organized by Dr. L. H. Hiranandani College of Pharmacy in collaboration with Toshvin Analytical Pvt. Ltd. 26/5/20 to 27/05/20
45.UNDERSTANDING PATENTS & DESIGN REGISTRATION. This webinar is organized by the Internal Quality Assurance Cell of Anjuman- I-Islam’s Kalsekar Technical Campus, New Panvel on 29/05/20
46.The Future of Healthcare, Pharma and Allied Industries by Corpgini 29/05/20 to 31/05/20
47.WEBINAR SERIES (PHASE-II) ON “Research-e-Pharm: A platform for Drug Discovery, Development, Pharmacovigilance and Repurposing Under COVID-19 Outbreak” ORGANIZED BY FACULTY OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES, MOTHERHOOD UNIVERSITY ON 01/06/20
48.National Level Webinar Titled “First Aid” organized by NSS Unit & Disaster Management Cell of Vedanta Foundation’s Vedanta College, Vithalwadi in collaboration with NSS Unit University of Mumbai 02/06/20
49.Intellectual Property Rights Protection through Patent by MIT Pune 06/06/20
50.Human Resource Development in Higher Education after Covid 19’online webinar. Date: Sunday, 7th June 2020 Time: 11: 00 AM BKMU
51.”Facts and Myths of Corona virus COVID – 19″ from Sacred Heart College (Autonomous), Tirupattur 09/06/20
52.Department of Chemical Engineering is organizing a Webinar on “Analytical techniques for determining elemental constituents” on 08th & 09th June 2020.
53.Webinar entitled “Outcome Based Higher Education: Focus on Learner Competencies” by D Y Patil University School of Pharmacy, Nerul, Navi Mumbai Jun 8, 2020,
54.CURRENT SCENARIO, SCOPE AND CHALLENGES IN PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRIES” on 19 June 2020 by Dept of Pharmacy Rai University Ahmedabad
55.Webinar Series of TCET T&P on Holistic Development During Pandemic 2020- A Fight for Future conducted on 11th July 2020 by AICTE
56.SLT Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences (SLT IPS), Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya (A Central University) on “Pharmaceutical Learning and Collaborations Part -2 June 7, 2020
58.GIT JAIPUR (Sponsored by TEQIP-III) Webinar 2020 Topic- “Gender Equality in Educational Institutes”DATE : 26 June 2020 ( 10.00 AM)
60.“Supply Chain Management Principles & Practices”On 8th and 9th June, 2020 organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, KLE College of Engineering & Technology, Chikodi, Karnataka.
61.AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online FDP on “OECD principle of Good Laboratory Practices” from 2020-9-22 to 2020- 9-26 at SSR College of Pharmacy.
62.AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online FDP on “Chromatography: Advancements in Instrumentation and Applications” from 2020-10-12 to 2020-10-16 at Dr D Y Patil Institiute of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research.
63.AICTE ATAL Online Elementary FDP on “Artificial Intelligence in Pharmaceutical Product Development” from 2021-7-26 to 2021-7- 30 Manipal College of Pharmaceutical Sciences.
64.AICTE ATAL Online Elementary FDP on “Technological advancement and manufacturing of Biosimilars for Cancer therapy: Present hurdles and Future prospects” from 2021-06-21 to 2021- 06-25 at National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research,Hajipur.
65.AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online Elementary FDP on “Emerging Trends in Drug Engineering” from 30/08/2021 to 03/09/2021 at Prin.K.M.Kundnani college of Pharmacy.
66.AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online Elementary FDP on “Pharmaceutical Quality System for Product Life Cycle Management” from 27/09/2021 to 01/10/2021 at Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Pharmacy.
67.AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Blended/Hybrid FDP on “Research & Innovation Ecosystem in Academics – Need of the Hour” from 2022- 09-05-2022-09-10 to 2022-09-12-2022-09-16 at VIVEKANAND EDUCATION SOCIETY’S COLLEGE OF PHARMACY .
68.Innovation Management and Intellectual Property Rights Conducted by Entrepreneurship Development and Industrial Coordination Department from 04/12/2023 to 08/12/2023 (One Week) FDP from NITTTR Chandigarh at Anjuman-I-Islams Kalsekar Technical Campus, New Panvel, Maharashtra.
69.MMTU-UGC NEP IMPLEMENTATION TWO WEEK FDP from 04/06/24 to 13/06/24
70.Two Week FDP Under Govt of India Ministry of Education (Formaerly HRD) Organised by Spoken Tutorial IIT Bombay and Hindu College Delhi Under CAS on Python Programming from 22.7.24 to 10.08.24
Life Member of APTI, MSPC