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Research Publications

Sr.No.Name of the facultyTitleYear of PublicationJournal NameImpact FactorIndexingISSNDOI
Prof. Ziyaul haqueTargeting protein receptors and enzymes for precision management ofurolithiasis: A comprehensive review2024European journal of Pharmacology (Elsevier)4.2 Science direct, Scopus Medline Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) SNIPOnline ISSN: 1879-0712Print ISSN: 0014-2999View Details
Prof. Ziyaul haqueMachine learning approaches in designing anti-HIV nitroimidazoles: 2D/3D QSAR, kNN-MFA, docking, dynamics, PCA analysis and MMGBSA studies2024Arabian Journal of Chemistry (Elsevier)5.3 Science direct, Scopus Medline, web of sceince Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) SNIPPrint ISSN: 1878-5352 Online ISSN: 1878-5379View Details
Prof. Ziyaul haqueQSAR STUDY OF SUBSTITUTED N-CONTAINING HETERO CYCLES AS ANANTI-CANCER AGENTS2024BULLETIN OF PURE & APPLIED SCIENCES A ZOOLOGY(ACS Publisher)-Web of Science, GALE group, Indian Science Abstract, ProQuest, USA; EBSCO Information Services, USA; Indian Citation Index, India; Cosmos Impact Factor, Germany; Google scholar, J-Gate, India; NAAS Rating, India; OCLC catalog, USAPrint version ISSN 0970-0765Online version ISSN 2320-3188View Details
Prof. Ziyaul haqueProducing Highly Predictive Qsar Models Of Benzimidazole Derivatives As Potent Antifungal Agents2023journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Result(Medknow Publications)5.22Scopus,Baidu Scholar, CNKI (China National Knowledge Infrastructure), EBSCO Publishing's Electronic Databases, Ex Libris – Primo Central, Google Scholar, Hinari, Infotrieve, National Science Library, ProQuest, TdNet, Wanfang DataPrint ISSN:0976-9234 Online ISSN: 2229-7723View Details
Prof. Ziyaul haqueAloe-emodin Quantification using HPTLC and RP-UHPLC in Extracts and Commercial Herbal Formulations: Evaluation of Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Effects2023Recent advances in anti-infective drug discovery(Bentham Science )1.8Scopus, MEDLINE/PubMed, Cabell'sISSN (Print):2772-4344ISSN (Online):2772-4352View Details
Prof. Ziyaul haqueDevelopment of 2D and 3D QSAR models of Thiazole derivatives for Antimicrobial Activity2022International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Drug Research(UGC and CAS)1.8Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), a division of the American Chemical Society , EBSCO Publishing's Electronic Databases, Ulrich's International ,Periodical,Index CopernicusDictionary, Open-J-Gate,Google Scholar0975-248XView Details
Prof. Ziyaul haqueIn silico admet profiling and molecular docking of novel substituted thieno[3,2-d] pyrimidines against ligand binding domain of the human peroxisome proliferator activated receptor gamma in complex with synthetic agonist.2020International research journal of Pharmacy (PANhealth Care Research Society)1.03EMBASE, Online AYUSH Research Portal Index Copernicus, Google scholar Chemical Abstracts Service (Division of the American Chemical Society) Ulrichs Web Global Serials Directory Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research OpenJGate Biblioteca PSOAR SCIENCEGATE CiteFactor Global Impact Factor SJIF 2021 (Under evaluation) OALib Scinapse Academic Journals Database Genamics JournalSeek Fatcat ISSN 2230-8407View Details
Prof. Saba ShaikhComparative teratogenic and skin whitening effect of herbal extract Glycyrrhiza glabra and Citrus sineus on Zebrafish (Danio rerio)2024Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology1.3Scopus, Pro Quest Central, CAB: Abstract, CAS: Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), CAS: Indian Citation Index,ISA: Indian Science Abstracts, Google Scholar, Gale Group Inc. USA0974-3618. Online ISSN : 0974-360XView Details
Prof. Saba ShaikhIN VITRO AND IN VIVO SCREENING OF ANTI-INFLAMMATORY ACTIVITY OF METHANOLIC AND AQUEOUS EXTRACTS OF ANOGEISSUS LATIFOLIA LEAVES2022International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical SciencesPrint ISSN:2656-0097| Online ISSN: 0975-1491Google Scholar, Elsevier products (EMBASE), SCI mago (SJR, upto 2016), CNKI (China Knowledge Resource Integrated Database), CAS, CASSI (American Chemical Society), Index Copernicus, ICAAP, PSOAR, Open-J-Gate, Indian Citation Index (ICI), Index Medicus for WHO South-East Asia (IMSEAR), OAI, LOCKKS, OCLC (World Digital Collection Gateway), UIUC.View Details
Prof Ajaz Ahmad Ayurvedic remedies of allergic broncho pulmonary aspergillosis.2021 World Journal of Advanced Research and ReviewsGoogle, Crossref, SCILIT, Bibsonomy, BASE, CAS-Americal Chemical Society, OpenAIRE, Directory of Journal Indexing (DRJI), Index Copernicus, Science gate, Cite Factor etc.View Details
Prof. Ajaz AhmadComparative teratogenic and skin whitening effect of herbal extract Glycyrrhiza glabra and Citrus sineus on Zebrafish (Danio rerio)2024Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology1.3Scopus, Pro Quest Central, CAB: Abstract, CAS: Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), CAS: Indian Citation Index,ISA: Indian Science Abstracts, Google Scholar, Gale Group Inc. USAView Details
Prof. Saba ShaikhEvaluation of developmental toxicity of Unani herbal formulation Habbe Sara in zebrafish (Danio rerio)2024Journal of Research in Pharmacy0.8ABC Chemistry, Chemicalabstract online (SciFinder), EBSCO Host, Embase (Elsevier), Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) (Web of Science), Google Scholar, Index Copernicus, J-Gate, Scimago Journal & Country Rank (SJR), Scopus, SOBIAD, Turk Medline, Türkiye AtıfDizini, ULAKBİM TR, Dizin (TR Index), Ulrichsweb, ABCD IndexISSN: 2630-6344View Details
Prof. Aatif ShaikhA Review on Oral Strip Technology: A Feasible Technique to Improve Patient Compliance by Oral Route2019Recent Trends in Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research(MAT Journal)Google Scholar, Crossref, Figshare, Zenodo, DOIeISSN:2583-5718View Details
Prof. Aatif ShaikhPharmaceutical Cocrystals: Modern solubility enhancement approach based on crystal engineering.2019Current Pharma,google scholar, National Library of Medicine(NLM)ISSN-2230-7842View Details
Prof Aatif ShaikhFabrication and Evaluation of Floating Mucoadhesive Tablets of Cefpodoxime Proxetil Using Factorial Design2019Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics2.2ICI Journals Master List / ICI World of Journals, Worldcat, EBSCO, Genamics, Google Scholar, Chemical Abstracts (CAS)e-ISSN: 2250-1177View Details
Prof. Aatif ShaikhForced degradation study of developed and validated rphplc method for determination of ondansetron and Ranitidine in bulk and formulation2024Biochemical and cellular archivesClarivate Analytics (Biological Abstract, Zoological Records, BIOSIS Previews, Entomology Abstract, etc), ISI Master list, Scopus (Elsevier)ISSN 0972-5075eISSN 0976-1772View Details
Prof. Aatif ShaikhAntifungal agents: a systematic review2024Biochemical and cellular archivesClarivate Analytics (Biological Abstract, Zoological Records, BIOSIS Previews, Entomology Abstract, etc), ISI Master list, Scopus (Elsevier)ISSN 0972-5075eISSN 0976-177View Details
Prof. Foorkan FakkiRANITIDINE IN BULK AND FORMULATION2024International Journal of All Research Education & Scientific Methodsgoogle scholar, research gate scientific network, thomson reuters end note, bing, index copernicusISSN: 2455-6211
Dr. Shaikh AbusufyanAnimal models and biomarkers of neuropathy in diabetic rodents2010Indian Journal of Pharmacology1.4EMBASE/ Excerpta Medica, Indian Science Abstracts, IndMed, MedInd, MEDLINE/Index Medicus, PubMed Central, Scimago Journal Ranking, SCOPUS, Science Citation Index Expanded, Web of Science​ISSN: 0253-7613; Online ISSN: 1998-3751View Details
Dr. Shaikh AbusufyanHerbal Drugs for Diabetic Treatment: An Updated Review of Patents2012Recent Patents on Anti-Infective Drug Discovery2.4 (Scopus cite Score)Scopus, PubmedISSN 1574-891X (Print); ISSN 2212-4071 (Online)View Details
Dr. Shaikh AbusufyanComparative in vitro Antidiabetic and Antioxidant Activity of Various Extracts of Ficus Species2018Pharmacognosy Journal1.5 (Cite Score); H Index-35SCOPUS, Scimago Journal Ranking, Chemical Abstracts, Excerpta Medica / EMBASE, Google Scholar, CABI Full Text, Index Copernicus, Ulrich’s International Periodical Directory, ProQuest, Journalseek & Genamics, PhcogBase, EBSCOHost, Academic Search Complete, Open J-Gate, SciACCESS.ISSN 9753575View Details
Dr. Shaikh AbusufyanTeratogenic effects of aqueous extract of Ficus glomerata leaf during embryonic development in zebrafish (Danio rerio)2019J Appl Pharm Sci2.4 (Cite Score)Scopus2231-3354View Details
Dr. Shaikh AbusufyanThe Phytochemicals explored from the roots of Syzygium cuminni (L) skeel assessed for Anti-hyperglycemic activity2013Asian Journal of Research in ChemistryCAB Abstracts, EBSCO Publishing's Electronic Databases, Google Scholar, ProQuest Central, Indian Citation IndexPrint ISSN : 0974-4169. Online ISSN : 0974-4150
Dr. Shaikh AbusufyanEffect of Ficus glomerata leaf extract in streptozotocin-induced early diabetic complications and its characterization by LC-MS2020EXCLI Journal3.8Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)Electronic Journals Library (EZB)Web of ScienceSCOPUSPubmed CentralPubmedEBSCO Academic SearchSCImagoLIVIVOBASEPMCID: PMC7003634 PMID: 32038115View Details
Dr. Shaikh AbusufyanFormulation and Development of Mouth Dissolving Tablets of Isolated Molecules and Evaluation for Anti-Hyperglycemic Activity2014Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology1.3 (Cite score); H Index-54Google Scholar, Scopus, Pro Quest Central, CAB:Abstract, CAS: Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), CAS: Indian Citetion Index, ISA: Indian Science Abstracts, Gale Group Inc. USAPrint ISSN : 0974-3618. Online ISSN : 0974-360X.
Dr. Shaikh AbusufyanEvaluation of developmental toxicity of Unani herbalformulation Habbe Sara in zebrafish (Danio rerio)2024Journal ofResearch in Pharmacy0.8ABC Chemistry, Chemical abstract online (SciFinder), EBSCO Host, Embase (Elsevier), Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) (Web of Science), Google Scholar, Index Copernicus, J-Gate, Scimago Journal & Country Rank (SJR), Scopus, SOBIAD, Turk Medline, Türkiye Atıf Dizini, ULAKBİM TR Dizin (TR Index), Ulrichsweb, ABCD IndexOnline ISSN2630-6344View Details
Dr. Shaikh AbusufyanMeta-analysis Fecal shedding and transmission of vaccine–derived poliovirus: A systematic review and meta–analysis2024One Health BulletinDirectory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
Dr. Shaikh AbusufyanComparative teratogenic and skin whitening effect of herbal extract Glycyrrhiza glabra and Citrus sineus on Zebrafish (Danio rerio)2024Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology1.3 (Cite score); H Index-54Google Scholar, Scopus, Pro Quest Central, CAB:Abstract, CAS: Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), CAS: Indian Citetion Index, ISA: Indian Science Abstracts, Gale Group Inc. USAPrint ISSN : 0974-3618. Online ISSN : 0974-360X.View Details
Jayshree PatilA Review on Pharmaceutical Applications Of Tamarind Seed Polysaccharide: A Novel Green Polymer2020International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT)7.97UGC approved Journal 49023(18); Google scholar2320-2882View Details
Jayshree PatilGreen Synthesis and Characterization Of Bioactive Quinazolinone Schiff Base2021International Journal of Recent Scientific Research (IJRSR)Index Copernicus Value ICV: 5.72 SJIF 2016: 6.86UGC approved; Google scholar; Index Copernicus International0976-3031View Details
Jayshree PatilEcofriendly Bioplastics from Tamarind Seed Powder2023Journal for Basic Sciences (JBS)6.1UGC approved, scopus, Google scholar1006-8341View Details
Jayshree PatilEnhancing Gastrointestinal Tolerance - The Promise of Mutual Prodrugs in NSAID Therapy: A Review2024International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM)8.536UGC approved (7647), Web of science, Google scholar, SJF2455-6211View Details
Prof . Reshma Yerunkar“Utilization of Kitchen Waste-Derived Substrate for Bio-Enzyme Production: A Comprehensive Review” 2024International Journal of All Research Education & Scientific Methods, (IJARESM), Volume 12 Issue 3, March-2024Impact Factor: 8.536UGC apprrovedISSN: 2455-6211View Details
Prof. Poonam NikamNanostructured Etodolac Carriers in Transdermal Gel: Optimization and Characterization.2023Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology, Bentham Science, Vol. 11, No. 3, 2023.UGC approved, Web of science, Google scholar, SJFISSN (Print): 2211-7385ISSN (Online): 2211-7393View Details
Prof. Poonam NikamTernary Phase Diagram and Response Surface Methodology Based Optimization of Dexibuprofen Nanoemulsion2023European Chemical Bulletin,ISSN 2063-5346, VOLUME-12, Issue-9, 2023.UGC approved, Web of science, Google scholar, SJF2063-5346View Details
Dr. Madhuri GaikwadFormulation and optimization of sustained release matrix tablet of perfenidone using full factorial design2022J Emerg Technol. Innov ResUGC approved2349-5162
Dr. Madhuri GaikwadPreparation and formula optimization of cephalexin loaded transferosomal gel by QbD to enhance the transdermal delivery: In vitro, ex vivo and in vivo study2023J. Drug Deliv Technol4.5ElsevierView Details
Dr. Madhuri GaikwadFormulation and evaluation of herbal shampoo and comparative study with marketed preparation2024IJCRTUGC approved2320-2882
Prof Maria LalNovel Approaches for Ocular Targeted Drug Delivery Systems,2022Int J of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical researchUGC approvedView Details
Prof Maria LalAssessment of Multifacet Role of Biowaste for Pharmaceutical and cosmetic purposes,2022Int J of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical researchUGC approved2349-7203View Details
Prof Maria LalFormulation and evaluation of Ocusert embedded with Ciprofloxacin loaded Nanoparticles2024International Journal of Advancement in Life Sciences and researchUGC approved2581-4877View Details
Prof Maria LalFormulation and evaluation of layered chewing gum containing doxylamine succinate2024J Emerg Technol. Innov ResUGC approved2349- 5162View Details
Prof Tahsin Attar A review on Current treatment therapy for Alzheimer’s disease2023INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH AND ANALYTICAL REVIEWS (IJRAR.ORG)7.17Google Scholar, SSRN, ResearcherID-Publons, Semantic Scholar | AI-Powered Research Tool, Microsoft Academic,,, Research Gate, CiteSeerX, ResearcherID Thomson Reuters, Mendeley : reference manager, DocStoc, ISSUU, Scribd2349-5138View Details
Prof.Tahsin AttarIn-Vivo Evaluation of Antihyperlipidemic Activity of Ethanolic Extract of Garcinia indica Leaves in a Rat Model2022InternationalJournal of Pharmacy and pharmaceutical research6.64PubMed,Google Scholar,Index Copernicus,CAS,ROAD,Academic resource index,worldcat,electronic journal library,cite factor,INNO Space,Directoryof science,ICMJE2349-7203View Details
Prof.Tahsin AttarReview Article on Hyperlipidemia2021International Journal of Pharmaceutical research and Applications6.79Google Scholar,citeseerx,Jour informatics,computer science directory,Electronics journal library,2456-4494View Details
Dr.Imran A Sheikh2021
Dr.Imran A Sheikh2022
Dr.Imran A SheikhFormulation development and characterization of osmotic tablets containing acyclovir2023Rivisita Italiana di Filosofia Analitica J0.9Emerging Source Citation Web of Science Clarivate2037-4445
Dr.Imran A SheikhAn Understanding of Latest pathophysiological mechanism of pancreatic cells in Diabetes2023
Dr.Imran A SheikhSynergistic Hepatoprotective effect of Methanolic extract of Urtica Dioica LINN Leaves and Silymarin CCL4-Induced Hepatic Damage in HEPG2 cells2023
Dr.Imran A SheikhApoptosis induced in MCF-7 Breast cancer cell lines by betasitosterol isolated from abutilon indicum LINN Roots2023
Dr.Imran A SheikhBiosynthesis of silver Nanoparticles from methanolic extract of cassia alata L and its antibacterial activity2023
Dr.Imran A Sheikh2023
Dr.Imran A Sheikh2023
Dr.Imran A Sheikh
Dr.Imran A Sheikh
Dr.Imran A Sheikh
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