Pharmaceutics,Industrial pharmacy, Physical pharmaceutics, Herbal Drug technology,Biopharmaceutics and pharmacokinetics
Research Article– Formulation and evaluation of IBUPROFEN oral suspension in
International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM)
Review Article– Annon Asquamosa Seeds: A review on its Antilice effect and other
Pharmacological Properties in International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM)
Research Article-Natural solution for Dandruff and Hair fall: Formulation and Evaluation of Hair oil in International Journal for Multidisciplinary Research(IJFMR)
Research Article– Chaulmoogra Oil Nano emulsion and in vitro Anti-cancer studies Using MCF 7 Cell Line in International Journal of science and Research (IJSR)
Research Article-Anti-Diabetic Study of Flower Extract of Eugenia Jambolona In Rats in Journal of Zoology.